Cure Starts with Unity

AI-driven, integrated workflow for multi-specialty teams — starting with oncology — that preps patient data, brings doctors into the same room, and schedules multidisciplinary tumor boards seamlessly
It takes a village to provide truly comprehensive care for a patient – I feel we are building that village here. Now we can speak more intelligently with patients about future events, needs, and goals
Leading clinician at a community hospital
AI-Powered Cancer Care Optimization
We're an AI-driven startup focused on revolutionizing cancer care. Our platform allows hospitals and clinics to collaborate, creating oncology multi-disciplinary teams (MDTs): MedConsilia:
  • Automates EHR/EMR patient data preparation using cutting-edge AI tools
  • Identifies missing tests
  • Tracks patient journey, aligned scheduling (even across several hospitals/clinics), generates treatment plan
It enables faster, more informed treatment decisions and ultimately improving patient outcomes.
How It Works
MedConsilia seamlessly integrates into your existing workflows, it is an AI-driven clinical decision-support layer that automates prep work for multi-specialty cases
EHR/EMR integration
Upload patient data securely from your EHR/EMR or other sources.
Data prep complete
MedConsilia analyzes the data and pre-populates comprehensive case summaries with critical findings (based on imaging results, pathology reports, genetic testing, etc.)

Treatment plan generated
MedConsilia identifies specialists a patients needs to see on each step of their journey
Which specialists can be seen simultaneously as part of a multidisciplinary team
Red flags and missing labs identified
MedConsilia highlights key ‘red flags’ or missing/inconsistent data that’s a major efficiency gain
Which labs each specialist will likely request, enabling pre-visit laboratory testing
Cross-Clinic Collaboration optimized
Based on treatment plan, MedConsilia provides options to engage different specialists (in-person meeting, remote specialty consultation, etc.), optimizing billing for out-of-network workflows
Multi-disciplinary tumor boards / meetings scheduled
Allows hospitals to deploy MDT approach that has proven its clinical efficiency
Why choose us?
  • Better Patient Outcomes & increased patient satisfaction
    A shared understanding of the care plan and decreased delays in doctor visits facilitates streamlined communication to patients and families (e.g., bedside nurse can relay the plan for the day with more certainty and clarity)
  • Reduction in length of stay and re-admission rates
    10-15% reduction in length of stay at a regional hospital systems within 6 months after implementation of oncology multi disciplinary teams; improvement in LOS performance is achieved by reduction in time to produce a treatment plan and pre-visit lab testing
  • Cross-Clinic Collaboration
    We help small clinics keep patients local, while giving them a big-hospital consult experience. By enabling collaboration between your clinic’s care team and remote specialists (e.g., through billing for remote specialty consults), MedConsilia reduces unnecessary referrals and travel for patients, keeping hospitals revenues in-house and giving patients local continuity of care
  • Robust data integrations
    MedConsilia can seamlessly connects with leading EHR/EMR systems, centralizing patient data in real time. This ensures all clinicians—both in-house and remote—operate from the same up-to-date information

Multi-disciplinary team (MDT) is a validated evidence-based approach to cancer care
  • 10-15% vs. 30% two-year mortality
    Multiple studies1,2 concluded that MDTs were associated with decreased mortality over time and should be incorporated into care; mortality at 2 years for some cancers (e.g., gastric) is 10-15% for patients presented at an MDT group vs. 30-40% in the non-MDT group
  • <20% of U.S. patients have access to MDTs
    In 2024, out of 6,120 Medicare cancer patients only 751 (12.3%) received care based on MDT; this share is slightly higher (~25%) for commercial plan types
  • Over 50% of patients have care deays
    Over 50% of patients reported experiencing concern about waiting times at one or more phases of cancer treatment relevant to them
For patients: MDTs near me
MedConsilia doesn't charge any fee from cancer patients. Please share your experience, and one of our representatives will follow up
Contact Us
Let's talk about how MedConsilia can help you improve your multi-specialty team's workflow.
Schedule a demo or ask for more information about MedConsilia's AI-powered platform.
Our team is ready to answer your questions and show you how we can make your workflow more efficient.
Phone: +1 (351) 220-76-87
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